
I am blissfully happy, and my husband is over the moon. When my friends ask about our success after such a long time of disappointment, I do not hesitate to credit Porter. My husband and I decided that we would like to be parents on our third anniversary. I threw away my birth control pills, and three months later we started trying to conceive, sure that it would be easy. It was not. During the years to follow, we underwent testing, waiting, more testing, a diagnosis of and operation for endometriosis, still no pregnancies, the full compliment of Western infertility treatments from IUI to IVF (three times, no success), the conclusion of “unexplained infertility,” my decision not to inject any more hormones into myself even if we never had a baby, several years of nothing, a brief flirtation with starting infertility treatment again that ended up not happening, two spontaneous pregnancies, and two equally spontaneous 11th-week miscarriages. We were nearly ten years older than we had been when we began this journey, and I, at least, was becoming resigned to the fact that I just wasn’t going to be able to carry a baby to term when a friend opined that she wished I could see her acupuncturist in Philadelphia because she was sure that the good doctor would be able to cure my ills. I had never had acupuncture, or any other non-Western medicinal treatment, before, but I was intrigued enough to start doing a little Internet research and found a local practitioner whose specialty was “fertility”. Having gone through our history, I assured him that I would not consider it his fault if I never got pregnant, considering all that we had already been through. He told me that in Chinese medicine we would be hoping to see positive results in 6 months to a year. I started seeing Porter twice a week (my husband also saw him, about twice a month). He soon diagnosed me as being deficient in my kidney qi and having yang deficiency as well. I didn’t know what any of that meant, but at least it sounded like something that could be treated. Over the next several months, besides the twice-weekly needle treatments, Porter used moxabustion to warm up my chilly yang and massage to move my qi. I began charting my basal temperature every morning, and we started to see some progress; in fact, I thought we had actually hit the jackpot after only one month of treatment, but that proved not to be the case. Still, I was feeling honestly optimistic for the first time in a very long while. In October, our family experienced an unexpected and tragic death that required us to leave the state for a while. When I returned, the stress of the preceding weeks seemed to have taken a toll on my system; my cycle was extremely irregular (unheard of for me, Mrs. 26-Days-Like Clockwork) through early December. My husband was also going away on a business trip, so it seemed the unlikeliest of possible times to become pregnant, but I continued seeing Porter, undergoing treatment twice a week, and charting my basal temperatures. After my husband’s return, we went away for Christmas. I returned to see Porter in January. During my first visit, after taking my pulse, he said, “So, do you think you could be pregnant?” I laughed and said, “No way, impossible, I’m a few days late but my body’s been so whacked out the last couple of months, I’m not really surprised.” When I returned for my next visit, my new cycle still had not started (again, unheard of for me), and Porter asked if I’d be willing to take a pregnancy test. He had even bought one for me. I took it to the bathroom mainly to prove him wrong. I was astonished by how quickly it came up positive. I was in a state of shock throughout my treatment, and when I got home and my husband asked how my day had been, I replied, “Surprising.” I honestly still didn’t believe it myself; a week later, I actually repeated the test at home, and again it came up positive almost immediately. Only then did I call my GP and my mother. I continued to see Porter for treatment throughout the pregnancy. We were all on pins and needles through the first trimester (understandably, given my history), but sailed through into the second and then the third. My water broke, and our beautiful, healthy, perfect baby boy was born the next morning, exactly on his due date. He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and measured twenty and a half inches long. He is a charmer and the light of our lives. I wish you all similarly happy endings!

p.s. I am convinced that the acupuncture and the treatment plan that Porter devised enabled me to get to this point. I am even hopeful that there might be a sibling to come, despite my advancing age. I encourage anyone who has been suffering with “unexplained infertility” to see Porter and find out what he might be able to do for you. I cannot properly put into words just how much he has done for us. I only wish I had tried this sooner.

Cat Crow


I highly recommend Porter Nilsson as a fertility acupuncturist. His knowledge, care, and ongoing support were invaluable throughout my IVF journey. I saw him weekly, which not only helped me stay grounded and relaxed during a difficult process, but also contributed to a successful pregnancy! Porter’s expertise and compassion truly made all the difference.

Allison Solomson


Porter is amazing! He is patient, kind knowledgeable about supportive. Dealing with PCOS and having gone 10 plus years of infertility He provides education and is in support of whatever your goals are. He took me on as a client despite being fully booked and I truly believe my little one is here because of his work! I enjoyed our work together and will be back again for #2.

Shatara Price


Unexplained infertility is a frustrating diagnosis to hear, when everything “seems to be right” but just isn’t happening. I found Porter and his practice and decided to give it a shot, despite it being another unknown to me and more needles! From the initial consult, I knew he cared deeply about his work and those he treats; he was incredibly thorough, meticulous and kind in learning more about me and my journey. Weekly, he provided a space where I could breathe easier, let out my frustrations and concerns, and find comfort in working towards a pregnancy, while also truly relaxing. He tailored each appointment to my cycle and my fertility treatments, really listening to what I needed, my emotions and my preferences, as well. After a few months, his excitement at my positive pregnancy test brought me to tears; it was genuine joy and support, which meant everything. If you are on the fence about reaching out, I cannot recommend him enough. You will not find a more empathetic, professional, and knowledgeable person to join your team of support.

Cassidy Wagner


Truly the best in Fertility Acupuncture

After years of trying to conceive, enduring multiple miscarriages, and grappling with unexplained infertility, my partner and I were feeling hopeless. We decided to seek help from a fertility clinic and learned about fertility acupuncture. That’s when we found Porter Nillson, and our lives changed forever.

From the very first session, Porter’s genuine care and compassion were evident. He treats you as a human being, not just a patient, and his fantastic tableside manner made every visit a comforting experience. The calm and safe atmosphere of his clinic was a sanctuary during a very stressful time in my life.

While undergoing all the clinic testing and procedures that preempt IUI/IVF, I decided to go ahead and start acupuncture treatments with Porter. Miraculously, we found out we were pregnant just a few weeks before our scheduled transfer! The only thing we changed in our routine was adding acupuncture treatments with Porter. His expertise and care were undeniably the key factors in our success.

Porter continued to support us throughout the pregnancy, providing treatments until they were no longer necessary. He consistently checked in on us, always asking for updates on our progress, and then pictures of the babe once she was born. This level of dedication and personal touch is rare and deeply appreciated.

Our beautiful daughter wouldn’t be here today without Porter’s help and care. If we decide to try for another child, we wouldn’t hesitate to return to Porter Nillson’s clinic. He is a miracle worker, and we are eternally grateful for everything he has done for our family. Thank you, Porter, for making our dream come true. 10/10, highly recommend!

Kate Tressler


I began working with Porter in July of 2022 after about a year and a half of TTC. I was also working with VCU REI and had numerous unsuccessful IUIs and was gearing up for IVF. At this point I was feeling the weight of my fertility struggles in every way and Porter gave me hope that I desperately needed. Not only is Porter extremely passionate and skilled at his job but he is also one of kindest, most genuine individuals I have met. I looked forward to my weekly sessions with Porter and left feeling calmer and more hopeful each time. After a disappointing egg retrieval very early into my acupuncture experience (I attribute this to the quality of eggs and sperm at the time) Porter helped me troubleshoot what we could do differently. We both started reading a book called It Starts With The Egg (get it!), I made recommended lifestyle adjustments and my husband and I started taking supplements. When my transfer failed Porter helped me back on my feet and again instilled hope in the journey. I was confident that my next retrieval would be strong! Porter suggested I add a fertility tea he made from Chinese herbs the next cycle and after multiple unsuccessful IUIs, an unsuccessful IVF transfer and 22 months of TTC I became pregnant in December 2022. I never in my wildest dreams thought I could conceive without REI but Porter helped us get the missing piece in our lives. I now have an extremely healthy 4-month year old boy and recently returned to Porter for a postpartum tune up. Porter was a vital part of our journey, and I am so appreciative and thankful for him. I have no doubt Porter and I will stay in touch, and I will look forward to my weekly sessions again when we are ready for baby number two. Struggles with fertility penetrate every part of your life and a strong team is vital…you need Porter on your team!

Julia Patrick


I started treatment with Porter a couple weeks before my first IVF frozen embryo transfer (which was successful!) and continued throughout my pregnancy up until a couple days before my induction. My experience was wonderful, and I credit much of the IVF success to Porter’s help. Porter consistently met me where I was – whether trying to conceive, struggling with pregnancy complications, or just uncomfortable at the end of my pregnancy, and he always approached our sessions with empathy and genuine care for mine and my child’s wellbeing. He offered so much more than just acupuncture, from thoughts on supplements, helpful articles, and massages, and became a trusted resource for me throughout a stressful journey. He even provided treatment before my induction that I believe helped make my induction quick and easy. I highly recommend for anyone struggling with infertility – you are in great hands!

Lindsey Komisin


I have Porter to thank for my beautiful healthy son. Without his treatments I doubt pregnancy would have happened for me. My cycle became irregular after the Covid vaccine. For months I was struggling. Within a few weeks of seeing Porter my cycle resumed to perfectly normal and a month later I was pregnant. Porter is a superb listener. He takes such time and care with his clients . Because he is so focused on women and fertility, he has an amazing understanding of how to customize each treatment . He cares deeply about your outcome. Your joy is his joy . Take his advice and trust him. I can promise you it’s worth it.

Catie Beck
If you’re looking for acupuncture to assist in your fertility care, look no further! My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for quite some time, and had begun the process of IVF. I had heard great things about acupuncture for fertility, so I thought I would give it a try. Thanks to Porter and his weekly treatments (as well as a pre-transfer treatment), we had success on our very first transfer, and I am now 17 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl. I am confident that my treatments with Porter were part of the reason we had success in the first go around. Not only is he extremely professional, Porter is so incredibly genuine. You will walk out of there feeling like a physical weight has been lifted off your shoulders – his treatments combine acupuncture & massage, and as someone who loves a good massage, I have never felt more relaxed than coming out of these appointments. I highly recommend him to anyone that is looking for infertility acupuncture.
Samantha Edall
Definitely Highly recommend; if I could give MORE stars I would!!! I can’t say Thank you enough! Going to get acupuncture from Acupuncture Infertility Care was one of the best experiences I have had! I had never had acupuncture done before and Porter was extremely kind, down to earth, and knowledgeable explaining how everything would go/worked and put my husband and I at ease. I was 39 weeks and went to Porter for acupuncture to be naturally induced. My Dr. wanted to medically induce me on 10/25 due to my blood pressure so Porter recommend I come in the Saturday 10/22. My water broke Monday night 10/24! It definitely worked!!! I have a healthy 1 month old now! I will certainly be going back! Thanks so so much again!!!
Angelica Goolsby
Porter has been a true blessing in my fertility journey. I only had the chance to be with him for a full month of treatment while in Richmond before moving to Spain, and after seeing many other specialists here and in NYC, I can say that he has proved to be by far! the most knowledgeable, and most importantly, the most caring. He is a true acupuncturist and cares about his patients beyond words. His space is very cute and welcoming. He listens carefully to every detail, accommodates each treatment to different needs, and makes you feel instantly at home. He went above and beyond to give me as much care as possible while I could be with him and in that short period he made my anxiety and fear dissipate and gave me hope that one day soon I will be pregnant. Thank you Porter! I can’t wait to share some good news with you soon!
Ana Catala
Porter played a huge role in my successful IVF pregnancy. Not only was the acupuncture the most relaxing appointments but He guided me on the whole journey and was so reassuring having someone explain and research the whole process of IVF with me. I learned more from him than my doctor team. He will be there rooting and advocating for you and your miracle baby.
Sam Shamblin

I am so happy I decided to try out Acupuncture. Porter is amazing and really focuses directly on you and your journey. I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility. With going through 2 IUI and a IVF journey Porter was there and always willing to listen to my concerns or questions. I can say thanks to him my IVF journey was a lot less stressful and he helped with a successful first transfer. I have continued to see Porter through my entire first trimester. His treatments are amazing. I suggest anyone struggling with fertility issues to reach out to Porter. He is amazing and I will be back!! Thank you Porter for everything and your support through my journey.

Gabby Locey

Infertility hit my life in a way that I could not have predicted. At 38, and with a healthy body and lifestyle, I could not believe that I had missed my chance to conceive.

I had noticed online infertility blogs would sometimes mention acupuncture as a form of therapy to increase conception odds. I paid little attention to its potential benefits. I was skeptical but after exhausting so many other efforts to conceive I decided I would give it a try.

I called a few acupuncturists in the Richmond Area and spoke with a couple receptionists but when I called Acupuncture Infertility Care w/ Porter Nilsson… Porter answered the phone. We spoke for over a half hour. Porter listened intently and asked well-informed questions about my efforts to conceive.

I did speak with another acupuncturist, as well. She was kind and knowledgeable but she was very busy. Our appointment was brief and she asked little about my infertility journey but promised to increase my conception chances by 30%. I was off put by her unsolicited promise. I left without making any future appointments. Then I immediately called Porter back and told him I was ready to proceed with his treatment.

Our initial appointment was two hours. We sat on opposite sides of the room and he asked me more detail questions about my life, body and everything else I wanted to share about my infertility. Porter specializes solely in fertility acupuncture. He explained how he would place tiny needles in certain points on my body to stimulate healthy blood flow and circulation. The single-use, extra slim needles did not hurt. Beyond specializing in hormonal health such as infertility he specializes in dealing with stress. He explained to me many times how stress plays a strong role in causing infertility.

I started visiting Porter twice a week. Our appointments consisted of him asking me questions and taking diligent notes about my menstrual cycle, taking my pulse, an abdominal massage to promote blood flow to the uterus and a shoulder & scalp massage to promote peace of mind.

It was wonderful each time I would go. I looked forward to the calm and stress-free environment. He was always respectful of the times I wanted to talk and the times I wanted silence. The lighting would be dimmed and the music soothing. He would carefully design my acupuncture treatment according to what was happening with my cycle and what my reproductive endocrinologist planned.

Porter is a true professional and a caring practitioner. He is exacting in his care as well as supremely in-tune with overall well-being. I am now 27 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby. I am still in shock as I have the pleasure of feeling my baby moving inside of me. This has been a hard journey. My husband and I both agree that Porter played an invaluable role in getting us here. He’s a credit to his profession and I would only recommend Porter for fertility acupuncture treatments.

Mandy Pleasants


I can’t say enough good things about working with Porter. I started working with him before I conceived my twin boys and continued through most of my first trimester. As an older first time mom-to-be, I was anxious, stressed, and full of questions. Not only did Porter’s acupuncture calm my nerves and anxiety, he also answered my questions and made excellent suggestions about things I could do on my own. I particularly loved that he took the time to really get to know and care about me. I HIGHLY recommend Porter to anyone seeking acupuncture during their fertility journey. I know that my own journey wouldn’t have been the same without his help and guidance.

Lauren Durbin


We are so happy we reached out to Porter at 41 5 pregnant to help ease things along. We went in for two sessions and after the second I went into labor about 5 hours later. He was very professional and educational and we will definitely be back in the future. Thanks again!

Anna Jacobs


I can’t say enough wonderful things about my experience with Porter. From the moment we first met, I knew he was genuinely interested in my fertility journey. As someone who has PCOS, I contacted him right after I had a miscarriage. He was very encouraging, thorough, methodical, and always attentive to my concerns/questions. My husband and I, unfortunately, had to make a big move to Maryland for his job several months after I started working with Porter. Thankfully, I am still able to see him periodically when I visit my family in Virginia. I found out I was pregnant 14 days after one of the last treatments I had with Porter before our move. I can’t thank Porter enough for his amazing treatments. He has become a very important person to our family and I would recommend ANYONE who’s struggling with fertility issues to work with him! I am forever grateful because I KNOW that his care was KEY to my ability to have our son.

Christina B.



I went to see Porter for natural labor induction at 40 weeks 5 days after doing some research about the benefits of acupuncture. I had no signs of labor and desperately didn’t want a medical induction. I was so amazed when I went into labor around 10 hours after! I was so grateful I was able to deliver my 9 lb 11 oz boy without any medication on 1-16-21. Thank you so much for the awesome experience!

Ellie G.


I have been seeing Porter for the last four months and I must say, I felt a connection from our first appointment. See, I have struggled with infertility for a little over two years and was really at my wits end. My husband and I were on our way to doing IUI and actually looking into adoption. I have Hashimotos and thyroid issues but regular cycles and have been through every test (as well as my husband) with flying colors. Our unexplained infertility was taxing and taking a real toll on my mental state. I started looking into acupuncture and came across Porter. I figured I had tried all avenues, so what’s one more thing? I remember calling him after work and thought we would set up an appointment and have a quick chat. I was so wrong, in a good way! Porter took 45 minutes of his time to talk to me on the phone and I felt like I was talking to one of my bestfriends. Unlike most practices, I was able to get in for an appointment the same week. At the first appointment, we spent quite awhile talking more about my concerns and Porter explained how acupuncture worked. I was a little scared of the needles and so he gave me a practice one to help me get ready (the needles aren’t bad at all). After the first appointment, I felt really good and positive about the work we were going to do. Porter makes you feel like you are on a team and he really takes the time with you. Again, much different then any other doctor or practice in western medicine. A few weeks later, I found out that I was pregnant! I am now 5 months along and still in complete and utter shock! I continue to go to acupuncture and now that I have to lay on my side, Porter has brought in a special pillow for me so I can get comfortable. I can honestly say, I have never met someone quite like Porter in my lifetime. He is one of the most genuine, caring, and selfless persons you will ever have the pleasure of knowing. I had some questions and concerns throughout my pregnancy (first time mom here) and I would ask Porter, he would text me on his own time with articles or valid research just to ease my mind. One time, I had something come up with my own doctor and he even offered to reach out and speak on my behalf. Now that is going above and beyond the call of duty! After my baby is born, I will take a break from acupuncture, but I have already decided when we want to try for baby number 2, I will be calling Porter ASAP. If you are on the fence about acupuncture, I hope this testimonial will help you to realize it is an amazing thing! Porter is extremely knowledgeable and gives 1000 percent at what he does. Don’t miss the opportunity to work with him! I am so glad that I jumped on the chance to work with him. Thank you so much Porter for everything! You truly are a blessing and have become a great friend!

Mary D.


How many ways can I say Porter is the greatest? As soon as you meet Porter, you become immediately at ease with the great combination of his warm, caring personality and his vast knowledge/experience. His philosophy of meeting Eastern and Western medicine is unlike any other practitioner in town.  I’ve been seeing Porter for about three months now while we TTC. We are seeing some promising signs already in my lab work and excited about the future!

Elizabeth C.


After two years of TTC, I am finally pregnant and this was within 4 months of acupuncture with Porter! The attention, care, TTC information and acupuncture services I received were top notch. Porter was patient, caring and during our sessions I felt like he was personally vested in my journey of becoming a mother. I wasn’t just another patient and it showed. Thanks so much Porter! If you are TTC, I say visit Porter. You won’t regret it and odds are you could end up pregnant after a few months of working with him.

Erin C.


I have PCOS and after trying to become pregnant for over a year began treatments with my OB.  After two frustrating cycles I decided to try acupuncture.  After so much time I was ready to try anything.  Porter provides exceptional care by listening and asking questions, and by taking the time time to let me talk about the ups and downs, craziness and emotions of becoming pregnant.  He takes his time time unlike most doctors.  He spends about an hour and a half working with me each time.  I can’t say enough about Porter.  I was amazed when we were able to become pregnant in a little over two months and are now happily at week 18 with no problems in sight.  Thank you Porter!  Updates later!

M. Bishop


Porter Nilsson is an incredible alternative practitioner. He is extremely empathetic; he truly feels your pain. He listens, which is an ability that is very hard to find in today’s medical arenas. Porter incorporates acupuncture, massage, herbs and his knowledge of western medicine to aid each individual case. Four members of my family see Porter and he’s helped each of us with our very different concerns. His skills produce results. You will not be sorry if you seek out Porter for whatever ails you. I recommend Porter without reservation.

Jeanne L. ‎


The first time I came to see Porter I was terribly nervous, as I do not like needles whatsoever, but I had become so desperate that I was willing to try just about anything. I immediately noticed that Porter was quite unlike all the other practitioners that I had been to. He didn’t rush me, he took the time to really listen to my situation and genuinely seemed concerned and interested in helping me. When I was finally on the table and he was preparing to begin a physical diagnosis he could tell that I was nervous and asked if a “test” needle would help me to relax (as he probably couldn’t get an accurate pulse reading due to my nervousness!) Once I felt that the needles were so painless, I immediately was able to relax and he was able to continue.  As he began to place the rest of the needles for my first treatment I was amazed at how skilled he was and how wonderful the effects of the needles were.  I’ve enjoyed weekly treatments for just over four months.

I suffer from endometriosis and had been trying to get pregnant for a year.  A friend suggested acupuncture and this seemed like the logical choice.  I just entered my second trimester three weeks ago and everything seems to be going great!

I can easily say that my life has changed for the better since I began to see Porter and routinely recommend him to everyone I can!

Mary C.


After two failed IVF’s, I was at the end of my mental rope.  I had tried acupuncture before at the advice of my PCP but I didn’t feel I was with the right clinic.  I Googled practices until I found Porter Nilsson.  Porter is excellent.  His techniques are creative and effective.  His practice is dedicated to just infertility, so it makes you feel like you have another partner in your journey.  If you are considering acupuncture for your conception issues please come to this office.  You will be so glad you did.  I will update my review as my journey continues with Porter.  He’s turned my anxiety about trying again into hope.

Patty S.


Porter Nilsson I can’t say enough about him. He took the time to listen when I first went to see him and made me feel right at ease. I’m not one for needles but he told me I wouldn’t feel them at all. He was right. I felt great after my first appointment. He cares about his clients and he takes the time to find out how things are going with you. Now how rare is that. Each visit I felt better and stronger the stress levels I had just melted away and I also have been able to maintain my weight.

Edie C.


We are so happy we reached out to Porter at 41 5 pregnant to help ease things along. We went in for two sessions and after the second I went into labor about 5 hours later. He was very professional and educational and we will definitely be back in the future. Thanks again!

Anna J.


Porter of Acupuncture Infertility Care is very knowledgeable & has a deep understanding of the bodies systems. Since I started having acupuncture treatments my body is in much better balance & my over all health has improved. I would highly recommend Acupuncture treatments by Porter Nilsson. Thanks so much.

Karen P.


Porter is the best acupuncturist ever! The quality of care is excellent. He is extremely professional, knowledgeable and caring. His background in western medicine allows him to combine the best of eastern and western medicine for the benefit of his patients. He has been able to get amazing results in difficult circumstances. Excellent!‎



Dear Porter – Thanks so much for your participation in the project of bringing Anna into this world. I think your acupuncture treatments complemented our infertility treatment very well, allowing me to relax and focus my energy appropriately! I appreciate the enthusiasm, focus and curiosity you brought to the treatments. And now we can celebrate the end result!
